Archive by Author

Support Email Deliverability Issues

December 8 @ 12:09 UTC – The issue is resolved. We have received emails sent throughout the day and will respond to them as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience. December 7 @ 20:32 UTC...

Release 4.27.0

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to version 4.27.0 this evening (i.e. 01:00 UTC / 20:00 Eastern) in our Europe and North America regions. 4.27.0 was released in our Australia region last Tu...

Release 4.26.0

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to version 4.26.0 this evening (i.e. 01:00 UTC / 20:00 Eastern) in our Europe and North America regions. 4.26.0 was released in our Australia region last We...

Static Assets Returning HTTP Status 404

18:23 UTC – We have determined that this issue is occurring due to an incident being experienced at our upstream provider. At 18:10, they acknowledged an incident causing 404 errors. At 18:17, t...

Release 4.25.0

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to version 4.25.0 this evening (i.e. midnight UTC / 19:00 Eastern) in our Europe and North America regions. 4.25.0 was released in our Australia region last...

Release 4.24.0

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to version 4.24.0 this evening (i.e. midnight UTC / 20:00 Eastern) for our Europe and North America regions. 4.24.0 was released in our Australia region las...

Release 4.23.0

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to version 4.23.0 this evening (i.e. midnight UTC / 20:00 Eastern) for our Europe and North America regions. 4.23.0 was released in our Australia region las...

Release 4.22.0

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to version 4.22.0 in the coming days, depending on web store server location: Australia: Tuesday, September 21 @ 20:00 UTC North America/Europe: Tuesday, Se...

Release 4.21.0

Version 4.21.0 will be released tonight (September 14) in the NA and EU server locations at approximately 01:00 UTC. 4.21.0 was released in our Australia (AU) environment last Tuesday, September 7 at ...

Redis Upgrade

On Thursday, April 26, commercebuild will upgrade Redis to version 6.x. The upgrade will occur at the following times (in UTC), based on region: North America – 08:00 UTC Australia – 21:00...