Issues with New User Creation from Web Store Admin

21:10 UTC – Our development team confirms that this issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience!

19:00 UTC – We anticipate this issue being resolved in the next few hours. When resolved, we will update this post.

15:45 UTC – We are aware of an issue whereby an admin user will experience a 500 error upon creating a new account from the web store dashboard. This issue is not impacting normal user registration from the web store front-end.

This error will be encountered when creating a B2B user from Customers > New User:

What You Can Do

Our development team is looking into the issue and will resolve the issue as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can create your new customers via the Excel sheet import functionality.

  1. Modify this template sheet with your new user and customer information.
  2. Go to Customers > Manage Customers > Tools > Import 
  3. Click the Select File button, and choose your saved Excel sheet with the new users and customers.
  4. Select the User Group from the dropdown.
  5. Finally, click Submit.

To see these steps, please watch the following video:

[videopress dqhYsFEp]

We will update this post as soon as new information becomes available. Thank you for your patience.