
How to Enable reCAPTCHA on Custom Forms

In order to enable reCAPTCHA on Custom Forms, go your web store Dashboard, click System > Features > B2c (Public), and toggle Enable Form Captcha to ON. To verify that the reCAPTCHA is working, go to the page with the custom form as a Guest user and verify its presence: Note that logged in users will […]

Adding a custom message to the shipping step at checkout

There might be times that you want to display a custom message in the shipping step at checkout. For example: You can achieve this with a little JavaScript placed under “System → Modules → Custom Tags”. You will want to be sure that you select the options “Position: Footer” and “Page Type: Cart”. Once that […]

How to configure Stripe as a payment method

This guide will walk you through the steps to configure Stripe as a payment method in your web store. A prerequisite is that you already have a Stripe account. Obtain Your API Keys Log into your Stripe account and navigate to https://dashboard.stripe.com/apikeys. First decide if you want your account in “Test Mode” (for testing purposes). […]

SQL Server Change Tracking Query for Sage 300 and X3

commercebuild’s Sync Agent, which replicates data from the SQL Server used by Sage 300, relies on change tracking being enabled on the database, as well as on the tables. For more information about change tracking on SQL Server, please see Microsoft’s guidance. Sage 300 Database To enable change tracking for the database, please change SAMDAT […]

Enable Product Level Warehouse Restriction

You can restrict certain products from being accessed by users based on their warehouse settings. There is a custom store add-on called Enable Product Level Warehouse Restriction that, when enabled, allows you this ability. If this is a feature you are interested in, please reach out to our support team at support@commercebuild.com to inquire about […]

How to Configure Abandoned Cart Emails with Sendinblue

With Sendinblue, you can set up abandoned cart emails that remind your web store users that they have items in their cart awaiting purchase. Sendinblue is a digital marketing platform that allows you to do email marketing, create landing pages, build signup forms, and much more. With their automation features, as well as a bit […]

How to Enforce Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)

To set up Minimum Order Quantity, Product Custom Fields are required and a billable add-on. If Custom Fields are not accessible under Catalog > Product Settings, please contact us so that we can assist you further. You can enforce a Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) for ERP products, as well as ERP products that are part […]

Enable Product Comparison

Your web store has the option to enable product comparison, allowing users to compare multiple products side-by-side. In this guide we will review how to enable that feature. Please note that this feature requires that the store already has the content grid built out. Enable in the store features The option can be enabled for […]

Configurator Products

The Configurator Module enables you to create a configurable product made of several items. You can establish rules to determine which items can be grouped together to form a valid configuration to be purchased. Note: The Product Configurator is an add-on product and might be paid depending on your commercebuild package. Once the Product Configurator […]

How to Get User Email and User Name on the Web Store Front End

For some front end JavaScript that may run on a web store, accessing the user name or user email may be helpful to satisfy certain parameter requirements for those scripts. Fortunately, this information is accessible via the web store userId cookie. The following snippet will help you access these data: let fetchCookie = getCookie(“userId”); let […]