
Product tabs and their placement

Product tabs are used to include most of the content that you can place on any product page. They are called “tabs” because, in the eCommerce Console, they appear as tabbed Content Editors. In the front end, however, you can display these tabs in different ways; on their own as a “standalone” and/or as tabs […]

What is Product Management?

Product management is the maintenance of your products and product pages within your webstore. Some information will be maintained in your ERP system which is separate from the management of your products in your webstore. ERP item data is replicated every few minutes and this data includes the item code, item description, item price, unit […]

Order Queue

Receiving orders is the reason you have launched a webstore in the first place, so it’s important to understand the processes of how orders pull into your eCommerce store and how you can manage them. ERP Orders The ERP Orders page, found under Sales in the Control Panel, is where you will find an overview […]

Managing Related Items

Adding related items to a product page is one of the most common cross-sell features of any webstore. Related items could be complementary or alternate items to the one that a user is currently looking at and you’ll be able to assign one or more to any given product. They’ll be displayed on the product […]

How to Capture Payments in commercebuild Payments

commercebuild Payments simplifies capturing preauthorizations in Sage 300 web stores. To learn how to capture a preauthorization, please watch the video below. [videopress YKF1KG3U]

Configuring the Store Locator

What is a Store Locator It shows the location of different stores in your area within an interactive map. Set up 1) Before you can start using the Store Locator module you need to set up the Google API. Go to Admin > System > Site Settings > Scroll to the bottom and find Google API […]

How To Add Tags To Products

Product tags are useful when it comes to tagging your products so they are searchable if a tag is entered as a search criterion. Tags leverage Elasticsearch capabilities so ES must be enabled on the site. This guidance assumes that your web store has Elasticsearch on Search enabled. However, if you’re not sure whether the […]

Using The Content Grid

How to create containers How to insert modules/content elements How to resize the columns How to position the containers How to create containers [videopress GzpuwY0H] The first step is to edit the page, product, form, or category where you are configuring your content grid. Scroll down and press the “Add Container” button. That will create […]

How To Add Countries To A Shipping Carrier

The beginning step of determining which ship to addresses your carrier will display for is to add all relevant countries. For example, if you’d like a carrier to be available for ship to addresses to Canada and the US, then add those two countries to your shipping carrier. Getting Started In the admin dashboard, navigate […]