
How to Configure Abandoned Cart Emails with Sendinblue

With Sendinblue, you can set up abandoned cart emails that remind your web store users that they have items in their cart awaiting purchase. Sendinblue is a digital marketing platform that allows you to do email marketing, create landing pages, build signup forms, and much more. With their automation features, as well as a bit […]

How to Do a Price Search in Sage X3

Whenever you have pricing issues on your web store, it is always helpful to send us screenshots from X3’s Price Search screen. In the video below, we’ll show you how. [videopress 66sCFRFf] Please note that your X3 may be organized differently. If you are unable to locate the Price Search screen, please reach out to […]

How to Delete Pre Authorizations (Preauths) from commercebuild Payments

[videopress naC0rmfF] It is possible to delete pre-authorizations (e.g. if they have expired) from commercebuild payments. Steps Open commercebuild Payments and login. Go to Maintenance in the menu bar. Click Pre Authorisations. Enter your username and password. Check the checkbox in the Delete column for the authorizations you wish to remove. Once you’ve selected all […]

How to Set up Order Terms and Conditions

If you want to require your customers to agree to order terms and conditions, the web store offers this functionality in the final step of the checkout process. Watch the video and/or follow the steps below to get Orders Terms & Conditions set up on your store. [videopress CoGq5lYJ] Enable Required Labels First, go to […]

How to Enable reCAPTCHA on Registration Forms

reCAPTCHA is an important way to prevent spam registration on your web store. To learn how you can enable reCAPTCHA on your user registration forms, please see the video below. [videopress 3UE9yDxv] Not Seeing reCAPTCHA? If you’re not seeing the reCAPTCHA input on your forms, be sure that the field is “always enabled“. To do […]

How to Enable Multilanguage

Multilanguage allows you to translate your web store into several languages. If your company is global and needs to communicate with audiences that speak multiple languages, this is a must-use module. Video Overview [videopress 3bVIhhcp permalink=”false”] Getting Started If you have not used Multilanguage on your web store, it is likely that it is not […]

Using Google Optimize to A/B Test Your Web Store

A/B Testing or even personalizing your web store can be complex because it may require you to make complex changes to your site’s HTML, JavaScript or CSS. But with Google’s Optimize, it’s easy to build A/B tests or even personalize your website. Furthermore, Optimize allows you to set the audience parameters for your changes. You […]