Getting Started

Modules Required for commercebuild Sage 300 User

For your commercebuild web store to integrate seamlessly with Sage 300, our web store user should have full access to the following modules: OE (Order Entry) AR (Accounts Receivable) AP (Accounts Payable) IC (Inventory Control) CS (Common Services)

Enabling Promotion Field in Checkout

In order to enable the promotion field to input a promotion code in the checkout process, please follow these instructions. Go to your web store dashboard Click System > Modules > Checkout Process Choose the user scope under the Settings For: dropdown, i.e. B2B (Dealer) or B2C (Public) Scroll down to the Promotion section and […]

What commercebuild Does And How We Can Help

commercebuild aims to provide a world-class experience to all customers. In addition to our Service Level Agreement, the following details our responsibilities and your responsibilities. Manage Server Infrastructure Responsibility: Ours As a Service-as-a-Software solution, commercebuild performs all server maintenance and management in conjuction with our upstream provider, Google Cloud Platform.  Update commercebuild Platform Responsibility: Ours […]

How to Unassign a Product from a Category

Once you assign products to a category, you may at some point decide to unassign those products from their categories. If you wish to unassign a product from several categories at once, see Batch Unassignment. Category Management and Scope To unassign a product from a category, navigate to Catalog > Categories. Once there, be sure […]

Enable Editable Item Description

The Editable Item Description feature allows you to override the ERP item description and set your own in the web store. To enable this feature, go to System > Features and toggle ON Editable Item Description. Note that this appears as a B2B only feature, but it will be enabled for B2C as well. Edit […]

TradeCentric Integration

With a commercebuild webstore already in place, you know the many benefits to you and your customers that B2B eCommerce brings to your business. Adding TradeCentric’s punchout integration adds even greater reach, and removes barriers to doing business with customers and prospects who will only buy from you if you support “punchout” technologies. What does […]

About Elasticsearch

What is Elasticsearch Elasticsearch is a caching mechanism which allows your customers to access a variety of different data points quickly and efficiently. Support for Elasticsearch commercebuild continues to build in support for Elasticsearch into the platform, including automatic reindexing when certain events occur in your store. For example, when you modify a content page, […]

IP Allowlist

The following IP addresses should be allowlisted to ensure commercebuild web stores can function properly. Please choose the IPs to allowlist based on the location of the web store server. The port numbers that need to be allowed/forwarded for incoming and outgoing traffic are 8085 and 8060. North America commercebuild Agent (Sync 2) […] Blog Integration FAQs

A blog can be an important sales and marketing component of your web store, and WordPress is a great tool to manage it. commercebuild offers an integration to easily import your blog posts from, which hosts the WordPress CMS. In this article, we’ll go over some of the common questions our clients ask about […]

B2B Taxes

B2B customers have their own ERP customer code, unlike B2C customers which assume a generic ERP customer. Taxes for B2B are easy as they are controlled by your ERP system. You’ll need to assign the correct tax to your customers and that information will be replicated into your web store. Any orders placed against that […]