
Error when adding a new user: Email is already in use

If you are attempting to add a new user to your web store and you receive the following error: Error Email is already in use. Please enter new one. Username has been taken. Please choose other names. This means that the email address or username is already in use on another web store account. Please […]

System Notification: Product is no longer available

The notification “Product XYZ is no longer available and has been removed from the cart for user” occurs for the following reasons:   Stock Unavailability The item may have been in stock when it was added to the cart but while placing an order if the system detects that it is no longer in […]

How to Check a Price in Sage 300

If there is a price discrepancy on a Sage 300 web store, our team will request that you show the price for the item(s) in question through Order Entry in Sage 300. To provide us this information, open Sage 300, click Order Entry > O/E Transactions > Order Entry: Once in Order Entry, enter the […]

General troubleshooting of display issues

If a page or function on the web store is not displaying/behaving as expected, here are some general steps you can take to try to troubleshoot the issue. Check from a different browser There are times when a browser’s cache can affect the functionality of a site. A browser’s add-on extensions as well might interfere. […]

Error When Uploading Images

Occasionally when uploading images to the webstore you may encounter the error Error: Bad Request. This is typically due to the image being too large or corrupted in some way. When adding images to the webstore please keep these requirements in mind: The maximum file size for image uploads is 10 MB. Only image files […]

Paya Connect Desktop Client Not Running

If you are seeing errors under /admin/Msystem_notifications regarding Paya Connect Desktop (Sage Exchange Desktop) Client Not Running, here are the steps to get that running again. Open Symphony Client on the server and ensure that the “Enable Paya Integration” box is ticked under the “Sage 300” tab. Then stop and restart the service. You can […]

Why Address Line 1 is non-editable?

While checking out of the webstore, if you notice Address line 1 field is non-editable and appears as shown below: It would mean that you have Google Address Auto Complete enabled but either: your API key is longer valid or you don’t have Maps, Places, and/or Geocoding API services enabled in your Google account. Please […]

How to Grey Cloud (Deactivate Proxy) at Cloudflare

Cloudflare is an excellent tool to improve the performance of your web store. However, in some cases, it might conflict with admin operations in the store. For example, Cloudflare enforces limits on how long an HTTP request can run. This is good practice, but some HTTP processes on the web store need to run for […]

How to Do a Price Search in Sage X3

Whenever you have pricing issues on your web store, it is always helpful to send us screenshots from X3’s Price Search screen. In the video below, we’ll show you how. [videopress 66sCFRFf] Please note that your X3 may be organized differently. If you are unable to locate the Price Search screen, please reach out to […]