Enabling Promotion Field in Checkout

In order to enable the promotion field to input a promotion code in the checkout process, please follow these instructions. Go to your web store dashboard Click System > Modules > Checkout Process Choose the user scope under the Settings For: dropdown, i.e. B2B (Dealer) or B2C (Public) Scroll down to the Promotion section and […]

Adding Tax Exemptions in Avalara

Avalara has an additional service called CertCapture that will keep tax exemption certificates on file for customers, and each transaction through Avalara will automatically apply any applicable tax exemption certificate in CertCapture (Avalara). Please contact Avalara for additional information.

How to Grey Cloud (Deactivate Proxy) at Cloudflare

Cloudflare is an excellent tool to improve the performance of your web store. However, in some cases, it might conflict with admin operations in the store. For example, Cloudflare enforces limits on how long an HTTP request can run. This is good practice, but some HTTP processes on the web store need to run for […]

How to Modify Transaction Email Recipients

The web store allows you to send a few email notifications, depending on the action taken in the store. You can set the origin and recipient email addresses for these notifications by going to System > Transaction Emails. For example, you can set the recipient(s) for the Failed Order Notification by modifying the email addresses […]

How to Manage “Customer On Hold”, “Customer Disabled” and “Inactive Customer” Sage 300 Customer Statuses

In the web store, you or your customers may see the following error messages when attempting to check out: CUSTOMER DISABLED This account has been disabled, please contact the site administrator to activate the customer account. INACTIVE CUSTOMER This account is inactive, please contact the site administrator to activate the customer account. CUSTOMER ON HOLD […]

The Difference Between B2B and B2C User

For those new to the commercebuild platform, the difference between a B2B web store user and a B2C web store user can be difficult to understand. In this article, we’ll explain the differences between both user types. We’ll assume that the store we’re working on sells products directly to consumers and also sells to other […]

What commercebuild Does And How We Can Help

commercebuild aims to provide a world-class experience to all customers. In addition to our Service Level Agreement, the following details our responsibilities and your responsibilities. Manage Server Infrastructure Responsibility: Ours As a Service-as-a-Software solution, commercebuild performs all server maintenance and management in conjuction with our upstream provider, Google Cloud Platform.  Update commercebuild Platform Responsibility: Ours […]

How to Stop commercebuild Services on Your Server

Whether you’re conducting an upgrade or troubleshooting an issue, you may need to temporarily stop the commercebuild services on you server: the XM Symphony Client and commercebuild agent Services. This guide will show you how to stop them, as well as modify their startup type, if necessary. Go to Services Services can be located by […]

How to View the Abandoned/Rejected Order Queue

If a customer tries to process an order but fails — perhaps due to a payment issue of some kind — you can generally find this order in the Abandoned/Rejected Order Queue. In the web store admin, go to Sales > Order Queue, and then under “Processing Status”, select “Abandoned/Rejected”. Note that this section should […]